Pre-Course Instructions and Survey
Trauma-Informed Care Course
Post-Course Assessment and Feedback

Post-Course Feedback Survey

Trauma-Informed Care Course Post-Course Evaluation
Knowledge Gain
Instructions: Please complete this evaluation regarding the trauma-informed care course you just completed. Your responses will help improve the course for future learners.

After taking this course, my knowledge of trauma-informed care principles is:

Instructions: Please complete this evaluation regarding the trauma-informed care course you just completed. Your responses will help improve the course for future learners.

After taking this course, I am ____ confident in my ability to provide trauma-informed care.

Instructions: Please complete this evaluation regarding the trauma-informed care course you just completed. Your responses will help improve the course for future learners.

After taking this course, I believe trauma-informed care is ____ important for anesthesiologists to provide.

After taking this course, I believe trauma history impacts patient experiences in healthcare settings:

Instructions: Please complete this evaluation regarding the trauma-informed care course you just completed. Your responses will help improve the course for future learners.

After taking this course, I am ____ motivated to integrate trauma-informed approaches into my regular practice.

Anticipated Barriers
Please rate how much you now anticipate each of the following being a barrier to implementing trauma-informed care principles in your anesthesia practice.

Lack of institutional resources/support

Concerns about documentation/legal obligations

Difficulty balancing TIC with productivity pressures

Discomfort discussing trauma with patients

Feeling ill-equipped to provide TIC

Vicarious trauma interfering with TIC skills

Insufficient training on TIC principles

Lack of culturally-sensitive TIC training

Colleagues not practicing TIC

Course Evaluation

Overall, how satisfied are you with this trauma-informed care course?

What was the most valuable thing you learned in this course?

How will you apply what you learned to your anesthesia practice?

Provide 1-3 suggestions for improvements we can make to this course


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