After taking this course, my knowledge of trauma-informed care principles is:
After taking this course, I am ____ confident in my ability to provide trauma-informed care.
After taking this course, I believe trauma-informed care is ____ important for anesthesiologists to provide.
After taking this course, I believe trauma history impacts patient experiences in healthcare settings:
After taking this course, I am ____ motivated to integrate trauma-informed approaches into my regular practice.
Lack of institutional resources/support
Concerns about documentation/legal obligations
Difficulty balancing TIC with productivity pressures
Discomfort discussing trauma with patients
Feeling ill-equipped to provide TIC
Vicarious trauma interfering with TIC skills
Insufficient training on TIC principles
Lack of culturally-sensitive TIC training
Colleagues not practicing TIC
Overall, how satisfied are you with this trauma-informed care course?
What was the most valuable thing you learned in this course?
How will you apply what you learned to your anesthesia practice?
Provide 1-3 suggestions for improvements we can make to this course